The Coming Storm

Set against the backdrop of a traditional boys’ school in upstate New York, The Coming Storm is the story of four interlocking lives—Louis Tremper, the headmaster at the Forge School; his wife Claire; Tracy Parker, a 25-year old gay man and recently hired teacher at the school; and Noah Lathrop III, a troubled student—all of whom struggle with their own inner demons, desires, and conflicted loyalties. When Tracy and Noah become involved in an illicit relationship, dark incidents from the school’s past begin colliding with the current growing confusion that all of them must face.


The Coming Storm was honored as Winner, 1999 Ferro-Grumley Award for Fiction, and Finalist, 2000 Lambda Literary Award.


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“Takes off from a sensational subject to arrive at unexpected heights and subtleties. It’s both unsettling and touching… well-nigh flawless.”—The Washington Post Book World


“Captivating… It engages like a whisper, seductive and, yes, even sad.”—Rocky Mountain News


“An intense examination of the humanity we all possess and of the power of desire, at once destructive and redemptive.”—Library Journal


“The Coming Storm is Paul Russell’s most accomplished novel yet, its richly textured characters and multi-layered conflicts balanced with humor and compassion, and woven into a seamless, compelling narrative of considerable power.”—The Gay & Lesbian Review

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